Well-known hip hop artist Fredokiss, real name Penjani Kalua has asked the general public to again report him to police for purchasing a new vehicle.

The remarks follow the recent raid that the Malawi Police Service (MPS) together with officials from the Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) carried out at his house in Namiwawa Township in the commercial capital Blantyre.

The armed police officers confiscated the three vehicles belonging to Fredo’s father Kamlepo Kalua, Member of Parliament for Rumphi East Constituency.

The three vehicles were a white Mercedes Benz saloon registration number RU 5437 and a Toyota Land Cruiser V8 registration number KA 8966 which belong to his son Penjani and a grounded Jeep, registration number CS31MKGP belonging to Kalua.

The two vehicles were suspected have been imported into the country illegally while Fredokiss’s car was suspected to have been stolen.

Writing on his official facebook page, Gheto King Kong said: “I just stole another Jeep…….Auzeni a khoba fast fast.”

Apparently, the rapper was mocking the Police and MRA for impounding his vehicle last month.

The police returned the vehicle following a court order stopping MRA from confiscating the vehicles.

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