Whilst democracy is the rule by the majority, the results of 2014 where the President only scored 36% of the total Presidential vote means that the country is ruled by a MINORITY and this minority is largely members of the Lomwe tribe from the President clan from the four (4) predominant districts of Thyolo, Mulanje, Phalombe that comprise a large Lomwe population and Chiradzulu.

5.1 As a bad result of this, the President has unashamedly recruited and appointed in most key positions of the state persons from these four (4) Lomwe dominated districts.

(i) Cabinet Appointees (Ministers)

Out of a cabinet of twenty (20), the following are from the four (4) districts

• Kondwani Nankhumwa
• Dr. Fabiano
• Henry Mussa
• Joseph Mwanamveka

(ii) Compared to the rest of the Southern Region comprising Blantyre, Mwanza, Neno, Chikhwawa and Nsanje – There are two ministers, Hon. Kasaila and Dr. Kumpalume.

(iii) Compared to the Eastern Region of Zomba, Machinga, Balaka and Mangochi – there are two ministers – Atupele Muluzi and Bright Msaka.
(iv) Compared to the whole Central Region, there are two (2) ministers; Jean Kalirani, and Samson Tembenu but Samuel Tembenu is originally from Thyolo/Mulanje.

(v) Compared to the whole Northern Region – There are four (4) ministers; Goodall Gondwe, Mrs. Obama Chiume, Jappie Mhango and Ng’ambi.

Obviously it shows that the political representation in the cabinet is skewed in favour of the minority Lomwes with six (6) ministers followed by four (4) ministers from the minority north – with the three other large blocks poorly represented.

5.2 Public and other political appoints haveas well been skewed in favour of the same Lomwe belt. A scan through the major Public Institutions those in senior positions share two denominators either they are Lomwes or are die-hard DPP cadres.

The net result is poor service delivery and institutionalized corruption in the award of contracts where it seems the DPP machinery would like to amass as much wealth as possible in the realization that the DPP may not do well in 2019 General Elections but the cadres will be able to live good lives thereafter.

5.3 The Lomwenization project is deep-rooted in government to the extent that the President is not aware of what may be happening because cartels have been formed around the President that keep away all sensitive information from his sight. This has been made possible because the President has limited knowledge of Malawians outside those around him. This matrix has conveniently developed.

(i) Collins Magalasi controls the Chief Secretary Lloyd Muhara another Lomwe in matters of all appointments.

(ii) Peter Mukhito and Norman Chisale control the Police, Immigration, NIB, SPC and ACB. These two control who can speak or see the President from these institutions.

(iii) Kondwani Nankhumwa and Joseph Mwanamveka control the political system making sure that DPP remains a Lomwe entity.

All these three cartels have formed unholy alliance to keep away any sensitive information from the knowledge of the President whilst they compete in the looting of the government resources. Today contracts from government go to the Lomwe cadres; whether contracts for fertilizer, supplies contracts at ESCOM; contracts for Road Constructions Programmes and indeed everything else where money has to be made.

Today the national cake is consumed by the Lomwes whilst the tax is paid by all malawians. Employment is the preserve of the Lomwes; accesses to Universities Lomwes are prioritized, the whole fabric is being Lomwenized.

5.4 Summary of State capture using the Lomwe Card

Name Institution Position Home District

N. Saukira NFRA CEO Thyolo

T. Malata MRA CEO Thyolo

R. Kamoto MERA CEO Thyolo

S. Phiri ARMY Commander Mulanje

C. Namangale ARMY Deputy Commander Thyolo

S. Malata Roads Fund CEO Thyolo

A.Malata MUST VC Thyolo

A. Sumbuleta MBC CEO Mulanje

R. Jose Police DIG Mulanje

E. Mwapasa Police DIG Chiradzulu

K. Kaphale A G Chambers Attorney General Chiradzulu

Chinsinga Registration Bureau PS Thyolo

P. Mukhito State House Chief of Staff Chiradzulu

A. Maganga State House Guard Commander Thyolo

C. Magalasi State House Executive Assistant Thyolo

M. Bamusi State House Special Assistant Thyolo

F. Mphepo State House Political Advisor Mulanje

L. Muhara OPC Chief Secretary Phalombe

Taulo Paul ODPP CEO Thyolo

Families within the Lowenization Project

1. Henry Mussa Minister of Labour, Agrinna Mussa Ambassador, NjanetaMussa Diplomat Zambia

2. Stewart Malata Stewart Malata CEO Road Fund, Wife Dr Address Malata, Vice Chancellor MUST, Malata CG, Rev Mgawi MEC Commissioner, T. Malata, CEO, MRA

3. Jean Mathanga Chari ESCOM, Husband RBM, Dr Mathanga earmarked to take over as Principal College of Medicine

4. Kalekeni Kaphale, brother at MHC as Director of Legal Affairs

5. Roza Fatch, wife to Francis Mbilizi

6. Miss Shingu, relation of Peter Mutharika—Copied

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