Kenyan journalist, Winnie Mabel did research on Why do people glorify women who leak nude pictures online?
What she found of which Faceofmalawi find it worth to publish, read what she wrote:
Gone are the days when some Nairobi women wanted to be respected for their worth, their brains and education, their character and their decency.
All they want now is to compete over who can gather the highest number of social media followers by uploading their own nude photographs.
Quick question though, do you plan on having a future of pride? You might be ‘infamous’ for your nudes right now but how will you explain them to your future family? (Yes, I over thought it).
Wanna-be socialites litter social media platforms with such pictures that Kenyans no longer feign shock.
The only reactions elicited are ” that is not a bikini body, she should have worn a different colour of thong or that nude does nothing for me”.
And then came the acronyms for how you can view such nudity in whatever environment you are in.
Because ‘Western behaviours’ are no longer foreign in Kenya. A woman can walk down the street naked and all we’d care about is the wrong nail polish colour on her toes- after all, it does not match her skin tone, righ?
Check out the following nudes, semi-nudes and whatever other words of description for such nudity exists out there and tell me what you think…

Do you agree that modern age women find it nothing wrong with exposing their nudes?