The exploitation of employees is another deadly animal which hinders the development in Malawi so as the newly National Registration Bureau (NRB) officers are resigning following of being paid meager salaries.

It seems both Government and private employers are taking advantage over lack of job opportunities in the country to give employees peanut worthy- salaries as many are left with no option.

However such lame policies do not go well with some new recruits who are conducting National ID registration exercise as they are receiving little as k120, 000, a monthly allowance as they are not signed to be on payroll

According to reports, they are protesting against what they call meager salaries and poor working conditions, they are not even paid in full amount the development which has angered some forced them to quit.

“It is very pathetic, we are given little and some even did not turn out for this exercise after being called because of such poor conditions,” said one of recruits.

NRB has recruited 4,200 registration officers and supervisors to carry out the exercise which will be done in six phases.


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