Teachers in both public primary and Secondary schools across the country have today started a sit-in to force the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to them arrears and leave grants.

The teachers are not happy with the DPP administration for failing to settle some of the challenges that they are facing and one of it being unpaid leave grants.

A visit by faceofmalawi reporter in some schools in Blantyre, Machinga, Rumphi saw students just playing with others knocking off before time.

Teacher Union of Malawi (TUM) President Willie Malimba confirmed of the strike in an interview with the press.

Initially, the union was battling the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) over 24 grievances which, among others, included withdrawal of teachers’ promotions, failure by government to effect salary adjustments for the teachers promoted in 2013, failure by the ministry to pay leave grants to secondary school teachers for the 2015/16 financial year ending June 30 2016 and delayed payment of salary arrears for primary school teachers.

It also expressed dissatisfaction with the manner in which MoEST handled promotions and salary adjustments for teachers promoted to Grade TJ/PT2 in 2013.

Government demanded that the promoted teachers should move to rural-based schools using personal finances, adding that those who failed to comply with this requirement had their promotions withdrawn.

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