On Thursday, June 1, 2017, it was not good day to two Malawians in South Africa who were shot dead by thugs.

According to reports, a man only identified as Cosmas with Friend were shot in their house, in   Athron, Northern part of  Cape Town.

The thugs broke into their house and shot them in roll before they made any attempt of running away.

Other source indicate that late Cosmas or  his friend was having secret affair with half-caste woman ( Mkazi wa Makaladi) which did not go well with men of her type.

” I understand one was having affair with mkazi wa chikaladi, so her fellow gang  did not like it, so they thought of killing them,” one of Malawians living in cape Town told FaceofMalawi reporter.

Source revealed that many people living in that area are  half-castes and many are gangsters who find pleasure in stealing and killing.

The source failed to disclose which part of Malawi the deceases hail.


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