As Public Affairs Committee (PAC) continues with it six All inclusive meeting in Blantyre, this afternoon on the list of presenters was Dr Garton Kamchedzera a law lecturer at Chancellor College, Constituent College of University of Malawi.

The law lecturer titled his presentation: Sufferance and a government we can trust.

In his presentation, Kamchedzera asked Malawians to reject the “It’s ok” culture.

“Don’t just pray, refuse the “it’s ok” culture. Embarrass those doing wrong. Persist on protests to force resignations, ignore state organised events, use the law as a tool for justice and truth. If we can, let’s wrestle back our sovereignty,” Kamchedzera said.

Kamchedzera stressed that when officials enrich themselves at the expense of the citizenry, the trust is lost.

“Trust principles call for officials to put self interests away and exercise prudence in handling duties. If trust is betrayed, you can terminate a relationship. The owner of the trust is the beneficiary.”

The conference ends on Thursday

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