Ten bodies including that of a child and other wasted materials have been found this morning after the Myanmar military plane went missing yesterday Wednesday, June 7 with 122 people on board.

The Burmese army has confirmed the development through its Facebook page saying the debris and the bodies have been found in the sea off the coastal town of Dawei.

The plane was flying yesterday 7th June from Myeik to Yangon and had passengers which most of them were military personell and family members, including children.

Communication with the flight was lost half an hour into the routine trip.

According to the military, search teams have this morning found 10 bodies, including a child, as well as a wheel, several life jackets and some luggage. The main part of the plane has not been discovered.

However, the reason of the crash is still unclear. There has so far been no report of a mayday call and the dispersed nature of the wreckage suggests it could have broken up in mid air.

It is monsoon season in Mynamar but they were no reports of bad weather at that time.

Myanmar has seen a number of aircraft incidents in recent years.

In February 2016, the five-member crew of an air force plane died when the aircraft crashed in the capital of Nay Pyi Taw.

A few months later, three officers were killed when a military helicopter crashed in central Myanmar.

An Air Bagan commercial aircraft made an emergency landing in 2012 and burst into flames, killing two people.

Search team is still doing its work to recover the other missing part of the plane.


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