A 33-year-old man from Harare shocked mourners who were gathered at a burial after he publicly urinated on  the grave.

Methuseli Zikhona of Ntshangase Village in Zhombe under Chief Gwesela who was visibly intoxicated blamed his behaviour on the wise waters he had consumed.

He was dragged to Chief Gwesela’s traditional court for his wayward behaviour.

The chief ordered him to pay a fine in the form of two cows for his unacceptable behaviour.

A source who witnessed the incident said Zikhona who was very drunk started insulting everyone who had gathered for the burial.

“He was uncontrollable since he was drunk and he started hurling insults at everyone.

When some villagers tried to control him, he got angry and he proceeded to the grave and he urinated on top of it in full view of the mourners,” said the source.

He also bragged that he had the right to urinate on the grave since the deceased owed him money.

“He claimed the deceased Thomas Dladla owed him $200 saying that gave him the right to urinate on his grave since he was never going to get his money back.

The Dladla family members felt disrespected and insulted by Zikhona’s actions and they wanted to beat him up before other villagers intervened,” said the source.

Chief Gwesela confirmed the matter to Zimbabwe`s Online B-Metro magazine.

He said that Zikhona apologised saying he had no control over his actions since he was drunk.

“A lot of people from the village drink beer but they never engage in such unruly behaviour. I suspect that he had taken some drugs that caused him to behave in that manner,” said Chief Gwesela.



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