Minibus operators in the country have embarked on a strike that has since affected business people as well as employees who rely on minibuses to report to their various works in time.

The issue is, Minibus operators are refusing to be regulated when coming up with their fares hence the ongoing strike.

They also do not agree with the new law that is obstructing them from carrying goods weighing above 5 KG`s. That means one is no longer allowed to transport a 50 KG bag of maize using a minibus.

One minibus has been torched this morning in Ndirande Township because it refused to join the strike and went on with carrying passengers going to town.

People in the commercial city of Blantyre are being told by Minibus drivers that today it’s a “day off day”.

In a court tussle with the Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC), the operators through  the Minibus Owners Association of Malawi (MOAM) were stopped from regulating the fares.

More Updates coming later

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