The song of that Economy of Malawi is improving, it is not enjoyable to be listened to, the number of strikes for salary hike speaks volumes that is just totally a propaganda.

Admarc workers

Just to overlook many, the notable ones are of that Chancellor College lecturers, followed by its supporting staff, now is Agricultural Development and Marketing Corporation (Admarc) workers.

Admarc workers are starting their sit-in today, Monday into force management to review their salaries, housing allowances, leave grants and other conditions of service.

According to reports, the workers have maintained their demands for 15 percent salary increment with arrears from July 2016 and thereafter a 50 percent increment from July 2017.

While on housing allowance, they want an increase from K2 000 to K15 000, leave grant raise to K50, 000 from k5000, and lunch allowance will be at K2 500 from K1000.

It is very worrisome to see that K1000 is now failing to cater for health lunch, they are demanding for k2500 which again bad news to the country half year- old introduced bank note, k2000.

Meanwhile, many workers’ salaries in the country is not enough to sustain them through high cost of commodities at the market, lest are afraid of losing their jobs if they voice out.


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