A young lady has suffered a really tragic misfortune after she had gone on a mountain to pray.

File photo: Lady on a hill

An 18-year-old lady identified as Poeletso Mmethi went to pray on a mountain and on her way back home, she was killed by a car in South Africa.

According to Daily Sun SA, the incident happened on 24 June in Itsoseng, North West.

Bishop David Modimola, who was with Poeletso at the time of the incident, was also hit by the car. But he was lucky to survive.

“We had just came back from the mountain when a car appeared from nowhere and hit us,” he said. “I think it wasn’t my time to die.”

Modimola said Poeletso wasn’t herself when they went to pray.

“She was talking about death, and telling us the songs she wanted us to sing at her funeral,” Modimola told Daily Sun.

Poeletso’s mkhulu, Eliot Jele (69), said his granddaughter went to the mountain every Friday, but he didn’t want her to go that night.

“I had a bad feeling about her going out that night but when I told her, she wouldn’t listen. She went out without my blessing,” said madala Eliot.

He said Poeletso was a respectful girl.

“She always listened to me and her gogo, but this time she was not herself.”

Eliot told the People’s Paper that they were going to miss her, because they had raised her as their own daughter.

“We have looked after her since she was a baby. Our lives will never be the same without her,” said Eliot.

Neighbours in the community said they’d lost a good girl.

Gloria Maseko (39) said she wished there were more girls in their kasi like Poeletso.

“It’s rare to find a young girl who loved God like Poeletso. She spent most of her life at church, and even died after praying,” said Gloria.

Poeletso was buried on Saturday at Itsoseng Cemetery.

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