25-year-old Jemma Beale was described by prosecutors as a ‘determined liar’ during her six-week trial at Southwark Crown Court.

She was found guilty of four counts of perjury and four of perverting the course of justice.

Jemma Beale

Beale had said she had been a victim to six sexual assaults and nine rapes on four different occasions over the space of four years, the Crown Prosecution Service said.

An investigation in December 2013 learned that one of Beale’s former friends had revealed she had lied about a man raping her who was later jailed in November 2010.

In a separate investigation, police found common inconsistencies in Beale’s allegations which bolstered their belief that she made them all up.

Detective Sergeant Kevin Lynott said:

Cases such as this are exceptional and very rare but it does show how seriously we take allegations of rape and sexual assault and that we will carry out a thorough investigation in order to get to the truth.

Beale is responsible for fabricating a series of extremely serious allegations, which led to several extensive investigations being carried out and teams of detectives and specialist officers spending thousands of hours on the cases and providing support to her.

Her manipulation of the criminal justice system has caused police to direct significant amounts of resource into investigating her bogus complaints as well as her own offending.

She has also significantly impacted on the NHS as a result of her complaints and used up many other limited resources that are relied upon by genuine survivors.

Not only that, but she then went on to give false testimony at court, which resulted in the wrongful conviction and imprisonment of a completely innocent man.

The impact on those she falsely accused has been devastating, however hopefully the outcome now fully exonerates all the men she falsely accused of such heinous crimes.

Beale will remain in custody until she receives her sentencing on August


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