Police in Mchinji have arrested a 45-year-old man who is currently on ARV treatment for defiling a 4-year-old girl and infecting her with the deadly HIV virus.

Mchinji police spokesperson Inspector Kaitano Lubrino has confirmed the matter saying the suspect identified as Peter Elliot has been defiling the girl in a bid to cleanse himself from the HIV virus as advised by a local witch doctor.

The matter was reported to Kumba police unit in the district by the child`s mother where they were referred to Kumba Health Centre for medical checkup.

Lubrino said, “The medical report indicated that the child had been defiled for more than once and was also HIV positive.”

Upon questioning the suspect, Elliot confessed that he slept with the child at least twice as he was instructed by his witch doctor to have sex with a virgin as a belief to get rid of his HIV/AIDS status and also to get rich.

Meanwhile, Elliot who hails from Chisaka village, senior Chief Mtanda in the district has been charged with an offence of defilement as contrary to section 138 of the penal code.

The suspect is expected to appear before court to face the law soon.

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