A 35-year-old man has been sentenced to 8-years in prison after he took part in gang raping a 16-year-old girl, a defilement offence contrary to section 138 (1) of the penal code.

The convict, Mohamed John Nsomba committed the offence on 13 April and he was in company of his friend who also took part in raping the teenage girl.

His friend has not yet been apprehended yet, according to Limbe police assistant public relations officer Wisdom Nhlane.

Nhane said, ““The convict and his accomplice who is still at large defiled a 16 year old girl one after another and when the matter was reported to police, the victim was referred to the hospital for medical examination where the results came positive.”

In court, Nsomba pleaded guilty hence presiding magistrate Mangawa Makhalira slapped him with an eight year jail term to act as a deterrent to would be offenders.

The convict comes from Macheso village in Traditional Authority Kuntaja in Blantyre district.

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