A popular prophet has caused quite stir after selling out ‘anointed salt’ to his church members to help them open their wombs.
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A popular Kenyan cleric, Prophet Brighton Chikomo of Bright Light Prophetic Deliverance Ministries instructed his congregants to consume ‘anointed salt’ which he claimed opens the womb and bring fortune in life.

According to H-Metro, the outspoken prophet held a well-attended crusade in Karoi last Friday and told the congregants to take ‘anointed salt’ there are fears his controversial salt might have negative effects on the consuming congregants.

According to the medical research, if one eats too  much salt the extra water stored in the body raises blood pressure. And also, the higher your blood pressure, the greater the strain on your heart, arteries, kidneys and brain which might lead to heart attacks, strokes, dementia and kidney diseases.

Prophet Chikomo who prefers to be called Commander 1 is not new to controversy as he has pulled another ‘miracle’.

“The man of God has finally visited us, we used to hear him preaching on local radio stations, and reading about him in newspapers but today he is here with us. Havatisiye takadaro, this is our breakthrough opportunity and our lives will never be the same. We heard about his uplifting messages and this place will be fertile.

“If the time permits, it is of our vision that if Prophet Chikomo opens another church in our circuit it will allow us to experience more reflections of God’s work,” said one of the congregants. Prophet Chikomo showed humility when he removed his pair of shoes and gave one of the congregants.

Brighton Chikomo, (BC) spoke to H-Metro reporter Praise Masvosva.

Below is the excerpt from the interview:

HM: Salt will not cause any effect even to those, who are being treated of any disease because it’s no longer salt but a revelation. The bible does not say we are going to be sweet but we are the salt of the world Matt 5:13 if salt loses its taste it’s no longer salt. It seems like every week you are pulling new miracles tell us more about them?

BC: Miracles are the nature of heaven that is why Christ taught his disciples in Matt 6 about prayer he said; let the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. This is the footsteps of my Father Christ that is why we are branded Christians. I practice what I preach through demonstrating power. It shall be more that what has been recorded and I am demonstrating things which were not recorded in the bible.

HM: We do understand that your spiritual father Prophet Bushiri is claiming his wife is carrying second Jesus can you tell us more?

BC: I’m a son to him but not his spokesperson, that question needs his personal assistant but why one should question what God is revealing. We only jump to look at the bad things but what I can safely say is Prophet Bushiri is a man of God send from the above.

HM: Many people are now following you, is it because of the miracles?

BC: I’m happy about the following which we are recording because we are home grown supported ministry. We are addressing human issues not only spiritual affairs hence the growth you are seeing is a sign of good fruits of a true prophet. Of course not everyone has to receive you and accept you eve Jesus the son of God was not received by everyone. I’m not worried about critics. Ane bhora ndiye anomakwa. The Commander1 ndivo vane bhora.

HM: It seems like you are one of the few prophets to hold crusades in remote areas and small towns?

BC: Yes it is the art of my calling, I am supposed to preach the word of God to everyone without boundaries. You will find that those prophets in big towns are recycling people in other words serious people are out there who needs salvation. The anointing should go to the people whp are in rural areas. Raising those people in these areas is the true definition of salvation. I am going to Gokwe next. Many prophets they fear witches that’s why they are afraid to go to remote areas.

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