A man is religious being must believe in something whether one is a believer or not. Despite the question of which is true religion remains debatable, Sheikh Makalani Kaunda has seen one is quite distinct  that Salvation is only through Jesus Christ.

Kaunda told fellow Muslims  that they need to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior if they are to inherit the Kingdom of Allah.

Sheik was preaching at a funeral ceremony of a well-known Limbe businessman Patrick Charles Phiri-who was trading under the business banner of Pato Viking, who  died on Sunday while playing social football game.

“Truth pains and this truth is painful to most of us Muslim gathering at this funeral. Still I will say it, you do not only have to embrace the teachings of Jesus Christ. You must accept Him if you wish to inherit Allah’s kingdom.

“Tiuzanepo Chilungamo Pano, Salvation Is Through Jesus Christ Basi,” Kaunda preached.

Muslims merely believe in Holy Bible as they regard Jesus Christ as a just prophet of God, not as a Son of God, as Chritians do.

But Kaunda noted that Jesus Christ is  “true way” if Muslims are also to inherit the Kingdom of Allah.

Jesus Christ also precisely said John 14: 6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 

Source. Malawi Voice

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