A 33 year old man Genesis Simkhoza has taken his own life by hanging himself to the roof of his house after his wife denied him of his conjugal right.

It is in police record that Simkhoza on August 2, arrived home late at around 1900 hours whilst drunk a thing which did not go well with his wife Blandina Kajawa (29).

According to Blandina, her husband requested to sleep with her as a husband and wife of which she was not pleased.

Following the denial, misunderstandings erupted between the two, a situation that prompted his wife to leave for her parents same night.

Working under alcoholic influence, Simkhoza followed his wife and whilst there he continued using obscene language a thing which increased tension between them.

Reacting to this, the wife thought it wise to inform the relatives of the deceased over the behaviour her husband had demonstrated.

While the wife was still consulting, Simkhoza went back to his house where it is believed that he willfully damaged and destroyed both windows and doors of his house before he hanged himself to the roof.

It was too late for Blandina to rescue her husband as by the time the wife came back home she found that Simkhoza had already taken his last breath.

Postmortem conducted by Mchinji District Hospital officials revealed that he died due to strangulation.

The deceased Genesis Simkhoza (33) hailed from Malindima village in the area of traditional authority Simphasi in Mchinji.

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