Fear has engulfed people of Bula Village, Traditional Authority Kwataine and surrounding areas in Ntcheu following the ‘resurrection’ of a 34-year-old woman who died on July 25, this year.

Large numbers of people from surrounding areas were seen Sunday morning flocking to the village to witness if this reappearance of the woman from the world of the dead was indeed a true story.

Jana(2nd)from right

The ‘formerly deceased” woman, identified as Liness Jana, was the centre of attraction on Sunday in the district.

When Mana visited the village, hundreds of people were seen pushing and shoving in a fine fight for space to attest to the modern and latter-day act of resurrection.

People crammed outside the house where Jana was kept demanding to see her, a development which angered family members who started whipping some of the members of the community that looked defiant.

Family members have since described the development as unusual and frightening saying they could not believe their eyes upon sight of their sister whom they buried on July 27, 2017.

Mary Sambi, a sister to Liness told Mana that her sister died at Ntcheu District Hospital on July 25, 2017.

According to Sambi, what has changed on Jana is that she is no longer pregnant and she is speaking fluent Yao, a development which surprised her since they do not speak Yao in the area.

“She is speaking fluent Yao mixed with Chichewa. I am really surprised that she is speaking Yao because this is a Ngoni area and what we speak most of the times is Chichewa,” she wondered

Jana, who was in a company of her family members the time this reporter visited the village, kept on smiling throughout the interview with family members.

When this reporter greeted her in Chichewa, Jana responded to say ndiri bwino kaya inu and did not waste time to code switch from Chichewa to Yao and spoke continuously in the latter language.

Liness Jana was seen a week ago by people from a nearby village loitering around Nsipe River, according to family members but they only managed to bring her home on August 12, 2017.

“People from the area had been calling us to say Liness was seen loitering around the area and we mobilized ourselves and visited the area.

“Unfortunately we did not manage to bring her home every time we visited the place since she was running away after seeing us,” said Alfred Banda, a brother to Liness.

According to Banda, Jana used to mention the name of her epileptic daughter Deborah and the village where she comes from, a development which made the people from the area to recognize her and inform us.

Records at Ntcheu District Hospital Female Ward showed that Jana, who was diagnosed with meningitis, was indeed treated as in-patient in the ward on July 24, 2017 and died the following day around 11 pm.

“I remember the name and I recall everything that happened on the day since I was the one on night duty. She died on the night of 25 July, 2017 and we registered her case as a maternal death since she was seven months pregnant then,” said the nurse who opted for anonymity.

The nurse, who looked amazed with the news that Jana had ‘resurrected’, confirmed to Mana that her dead body was collected from the mortuary on July 26, 2017.

Jana’s death report was shown to Mana but the nurses did not allow the reporter to have a copy of it until permission was granted by her seniors who were not around by the time of interview.

Meanwhile, family members are keeping a close eye at Jana to ensure that her security is intact.

Source: Mana

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