A father-of-two who went to meet doctors with a watery eye, has ended up losing about half of his face afterwards.

Jamie Mirrlees,
Jamie Mirrlees, a father-of-two who went to the doctors plagued with a watery eye ended up losing half his face after cancer surgery.
According to Daily Star UK, Jamie Mirrlees was initially told he was suffering from a blocked tear duct – but four years later he needed drastic surgery after being diagnosed with a tumour.
He ended up losing his eye, half his nose, a large part of his cheek and most of his teeth and was left with large, gaping holes in his face and neck.
Jamie maintains his cancer should have been picked up earlier – although health chiefs claim he missed a hospital appointment, the Daily Record reports.
The 46-year-old from Paisley, Scotland, said: “My eye was watering constantly. To be honest, I thought it was a blocked tear duct at first. I went to the doctor’s in 2011 and he referred me to the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

“But the consultant I saw said there was nothing to worry about, that it just needed to be flushed out. He flushed it out.

“I reckon I was losing a pint of water every day.”
But when a lump appeared four years later, he went back to his GP.
At first, the doctor diagnosed a stye – but when it got bigger – he referred Jamie to hospital again.
He added: “They took me in for a biopsy. A month after that, I was told I had cancer.”
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