Ten Indonesians were were sentenced to up to 100 lashes of the whip for adultery in Banda Aceh under the brutal Sharia law.

The beatings occurred in Aceh, which is the only province in the country which implements Sharia law in full.

The province began implementing Sharia law after being granted autonomy in 2001 – an attempt by the government in Jakarta to quell a long-running separatist insurgency.

Islamic laws have been strengthened since Aceh struck a peace deal with Jakarta in 2005.

People are flogged for a range of offences including gambling, drinking alcohol, gay sex or any sexual relationship outside marriage.

Men and women have collapsed in pain due to the severity of their injuries and people can be caned for something as innocent as standing too close to a partner in public or being seen alone with someone they are not married to.

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