Support staffs at karonga district hospital have staged a strike claiming that they want their five top officials deployed to other areas as they are tired of their management.

The staffs say that there have been alleged persistent drug stocks outs, lack of proper tools for their work, selective payment of overtime allowances and a case of a missing motor vehicle engine of which people involved have not yet been apprehended.

The workers have since gave a petition to the district health officer, Dr Phinius Mfune on the concerns that they feel have to be solved.

The five officials that the staffs do not want have been identified as Maloni Nyirenda, Stuart Chirambo, Mavuto Kawonga, Alex Chirombo and Mc Donald Kamwera.

As of now, the workers who include cleaners, watchmen, and cooks have gone on the meeting with their officials in a bid to resolve the issue.

The entrance to the hospital has been closed using branches of trees and patients are being sent back.



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