A case of a drunken Malawi police officer failing to make it home has emerged online some months after other officers were disciplined for the same cases.

An officer who has been identified as Constable Chipangano was spotted lying on dusty floor with his uniform on after having too much liquor.

Malawi social network has reacted to the picture which has already gone viral.

A Facebook user by the name of Charles Nyirenda said, “If this is true, then Malawi Police has a massive problem on its hands when it comes to issues of discipline.

“Well, the top bosses have seen or heard about this by now, and I do hope they will look at the bigger picture of what is happening to the rank and file in the Service for the situation to reach such pathetic levels.”

While another user, Owen Mumba who also witnessed another case of this kind said, “I once saw a police man drunk while a prostitute carried his gun. That was years ago.”

Chancy Saukira also commented by recalling how disciplined Malawi police officers were some years ago. He commented in Chichewa saying, “Kale izi kunalibe wapolice ankasunga mwambo ine sindinkamuona wapolice akusuta fodya, akumwa mowa, ali mu uniform atamangigwa kuti waba or katangale nthawi imeneyo inspector general anali Mac William Lunguzi sipano China basi.”

Another case of a drunken police officer was recently encountered in which he was heard singing Malawi nation Anthem in a mockery way.

Not long ago, some police officers were disciplined after they were caught drinking Chibuku with a prostitute aside.


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