Cashgate case involving former Budget Director Paul Mphwiyo and 18 other suspects was suspended for close to an hour after third accused person Auzius Kazombo Mwale collapsed during the trial at Lilongwe City Council Civic Centre on Monday.

Kazombo Mwale fell down soon after Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mary Kachale had just finished re-examining fourth witness Francis Juwawo and had barely started cross-examining the fifth witness – Kondwani Davie Munthali.

His co-accused Mphwiyo and another accused person rushed in the court dock to lift him up.

The development forced High Court Judge Esme Chombo to suspend the case for 40minutes and the case resumed at around 11am.

Kazombo and Mphwiyo are among the 18 suspects charged with conspiracy to defraud government amounting to MK2.4 billion.

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