There have been controversies as to who owns the recent released Malawian Kung fu movie ‘Town Monger’ that has captured people’s attention not only in Malawi but also other countries.

a scene in the Town Monger movie

The 82 minutes movie got over 3 million views on you tube since it was uploaded.

It was first established that the renowned Malawian film producer Saidi Rashiz Chapeyana was behind the whole movie and he had been interviewed by local Medias claiming that he is the main man behind the movie.

the cover of the movie

Chapeyana also previously claimed that the whole production was done by his Ndirande based Kufewa Acrobatics under the Ndirawood Films.

However, Dennis Imaan, the manager who is handling the affairs of the movie has clarified that the movie was produced in Lilongwe’s Area 36 and that the Kufewa Acrobatics who are behind the production have no links to Chapeyama.

“The screen rights to “The Town Monger Movie”, the script, the rights to the screenplay and underlying are under Kufewa Acrobatics and Hashavwint Studios and not any of the parties who released the video clips online,” said Dennis Imaan, General Manager for Determination Tourism a firm managing the Kufewa Acrobatics.

The single 2.22 minutes scene instantly went viral and as of Monday September 12 had attracted 3 347 354 viewers on You Tube  with thousands of shares on different social media platforms, including Facebook and Twitter.

Watch the clip of the movie below








































































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