Human right activist Billy Mayaya has been heavy criticized by Malawians on social media for defending a woman who carried a placard containing obscene message.

The Malawi Police Service (MPS) on Thursday arrested Beatrice Mateyu during a solidarity demonstration by concerned citizens against gender based violence GBV) in Lilongwe for carrying a placard deemed obscene.

“Kubadwa ndi nyini sitchimo. My pussy my pride,” reads the placards.

The placard and the arrest of Mateyo attracted attention on the social media with many Malawians condemning the woman and the placards.

But Mayaya defended the woman, saying she was expressing her voice.

This did not go down well with Malawians who criticized him heavily

Mphatso Mwale wrote: “Ine i thought Billy mayaya uli ndi umunthu. Koma ndaona kuti ulibe umnthu. How can you back up these insults about women private parts! Tonse tikudziwa kufunika kw ufulu wa mayi and the need to do something about it. But there is a civilised way of doing things and demonstrating. You as a father and husband should make a fair balance between rights and responsibilties. Sukulu yake mwaphunzira yotani inu kuti mutaye nayo khalidwe ndi umunthu. Shame on you and your so called ‘Activists’. Zamanyazi!!.Nagti zili ndalama za ma donors please idyani mwa ulemu. ife ndife amalawi toisataye khalidwe.”

Concurring with Mwale’s remarks, Chatinkha Chidzanja Nkhoma, a critic to Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera said it’s a shame to see Mayaya defending the woman and the obscene message.

“Shame on you Billy, our children should not be taught to talk like this. Our parents. .especially mine would have whipped the hell out of me if I even dared to publicly mention the name of the private part. And I emphasis on PRIVATE,” wrote Chatinkha.

Henry Kumwenda Billy Mayaya: “I have always admired your courageous amongest many. Today, you have goofed. If this is what you want your children, the nation and generations to come to remember you, SHAME!!!”

Meanwhile debate continues on the matter.

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