Barely after 15 years of rumor of vampires used to collect human blood in some districts in the country for political reasons, the speculation surfaces  again  as the residents of Mulanje District are not sleeping  in fear of their blood to be sucked.

James Kadadzera

On Sunday some tourists were killed by residents suspecting to be  colluding with vampires to collect human blood in the district.

The incident happened soon after Police released a statement on Saturday where National Spokesperson, James Kadadzera, said the rumour is not the true, describing it as uncalled for it is affecting innocent individuals by making them live in fear.

“We are reminding people that rumors about blood suckers have been there since time immemorial but no case has ever been proven,” said Kadadzera in the statement.

But the people in the district  insist that the police are just hiding the truth, as many people in the district are not sleeping, they do drumming and shouting during night to frighten blood suckers away.

” I didn’t not sleep last night, we were afraid of some people who are sucking blood in our disctrict,” a church member said when he visited certain christian gathering in Blantyre.

The blood sucking rumors have been circulating in the district for the past two weeks causing fear and panic among residents in the areas of Senior Chiefs Mabuka and Juma who border with Mozambique.

According to the rumors, two women were allegedly attacked by blood suckers in the district.

Some alleged angry villagers are believed to have vandalized the residence of their Senior Chief Mabuka on Thursday accusing him of remaining quiet when the issue of the blood suckers was reported to him.

Meanwhile, 17 people are reported to be arrested for killing Innocent tourists suspected them as the ones who are after human blood in the district.

The Stories of vampires sucking people’s blood have been circulating in Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu and Blantyre  in 2002. A number of people, reportedly to be attacked  mainly women and children.


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