By: Robert Kumenda and Orchestra Kamanga

Professor John Chisi – President for Umodzi Party has attributed the problems Malawi is facing politically due to cultural aspect act.

Chisi said the problems are as a result of Chieftaincy act where Malawians are centred on one person who does everything for all like president.

“ The system is chieftaincy based, Malawians need to hear good things not bad things and we have translated this system to our politics:, he said.

The Umodzi Party leader said unless we develop the nation, change our mindset and have understanding of governance structures is the only way we can address the problems we are facing now politically. He said we need people that are educated and as a nation we lacking confidence. The majority of people are not educated hence they cannot participate fully in democratic process.

Most of the members of parliament that we have are not aware of what they are doing, they just need a job we are hero worshippers and that is cultural from all tribes”, he said.

Chisi said most of our leaders they do not want people who are insubordinate they just like followers saying that when you question them they think that you are rude and you are treated as good boy when you remain quiet.

“We are uneducated people and we need someone to open our eyes. We need to understand ourselves, our country, what we are not copying and paste the political systems from other countries. If voted into power we are going to create a pool of educated Malawians that will be able to think and do things in the right way, he said.

He further said currently Malawians are under the bondage of fear to question the authority or anyone. In a related development, the gazetted recommendations by various stakeholders who attended the first National Conference for political grouping Transformation Alliance (TA) said Malawi is using rotten political system that need to be changed.

Interim leader of T.A –Moses Kunkuyu told reporters at a press briefing in Blantyre that the constitution and the electoral laws needs to be changed because they are giving too much powers to the president.

Kunkuyu said not that our leaders are power hungry but they are happy with the system. “ The Law Commission recommended the change and many commentators have, and it is now time to move forward. The current government of Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) promised that there will be a reduction in presidential powers and now it is time to fulfill their promise: he said.

On this, Kunkuyu said Malawians need to bring up leaders that are willing to change the laws and reduce their powers in faith coming 2019 general elections.

“ The draft constitution review was completed ten years ago and is just gathering dust. The laws we are using are archaic”, he said.

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