The Kenyan election is heating up and a supporter of the ruling government has announced his desire to sell his kidney to support his political direction.
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A man has put his kidney on sale in a bid to raise campaign funds for the re-election of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto in the forthcoming repeat presidential elections in Kenya.

The man, whose identity is yet to be ascertained was captured on camera carrying a placard on a street in Nairobi, announcing his intention to sell the important body organ to raise money that will enable him to drum up support for his favorite presidential candidate and his running mate, reported Mwakilishi, a Kenyan news portal.

“I am selling my kidney so that I can campaign for Uhuruto,” the message on the placard reads.

President Uhuru Kenyatta will go head to head with his fierce rival Raila Odinga of National Super Alliance (NASA) in a bid to retain his seat in the repeat polls scheduled for October 17th.

Raila successfully challenged President Uhuru’s August 8th victory in the Supreme Court paving way for a fresh presidential battle.

Led by Chief Justice David Maraga, the apex court delivered a historic ruling where they annulled the election on grounds that electoral commission IEBC failed to follow the dictates of the constitution and the law in conducting last month’s election.

In the wake of August 8th polls, a middle-aged Kisumu man was in the news after selling his 2-acre land in Kisumu to campaign for President Uhuru. The man was doing all this to thank the President after he pardoned him after years behind bars.

An elderly man in Meru County had also offered to sell his entire property, including a 10-acre prime land to campaign for Uhuru, but the President Uhuru convinced him not to after inviting him to the state house.

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