A man has tried to kill his own children after a witch doctor told him he had to sacrifice them to make money.

A Kenyan man identified as Katana Futa tried to kill his three children in Mombasa last week was yesterday charged with attempted murder.
Police claim that Katana Futa allegedly threw his children into a septic tank after he was misled by a witchdoctor that killing them would make him rich.
According to SDE, Futa, who appeared before Shanzu Principal Magistrate Diana Mochache, pleaded not guilty to the charge.
According to the charge sheet, on September 10 this year in Bombololu, Mombasa, Futa, in an attempt to generate wealth and become rich, forced his three children into a septic tank with the intention of killing them.
Futa was also charged with endangering the lives of the children. The accused asked the court to grant him bail pending the hearing and determination of the matter.
“As a Kenyan I have a right to be granted bond as stipulated in the Constitution, and the court should consider that I have a fixed abode in the country and grant me bail,” added Futa.
He further informed the court that he would abide by whatever instructions it would give so that he can follow the proceedings while out on bail.
The witchdoctor reportedly instructed Futa to kill three people to enable him to undergo rituals that would make him rich.
Witchdoctor’s services
He was arrested in Kitui last week, where he had gone to seek the witchdoctor’s services.
The children have been taken to a rescue centre.
The magistrate told Futa to make his application during the next mention of the case after the court determines how the children are faring.
Mochache also ordered the man to be remanded at the Shimo la Tewa Prison.
The matter will be heard on October 25 this year.
Elsewhere, four boys were charged with defilement in Eldoret.
The boys who are aged between 12 and 17 are accused of defiling a nine-year-old girl on September 13, 2017 in Timboroa, Uasin Gishu County.
They all denied the charge before Chief Magistrate Charles Obulutsa.
The court heard that the boys were returning home from school when they met the girl, dragged her into a maize plantation, and defiled her.
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