The self-proclaimed president of MUST republic which comprises of Thyolo and Mulanje districts, Vincent Wandale seems to be firm on his plan to act as the president of the two districts.


Today, October 11 Wandale went on his Facebook page to announce of his plans to date Thyolo district at Khonjeni turnoff where he is to address other issues concerning his government.

According to Wandale, among other issues to be addressed are, Date for swearing in the president, Disclosure of national flag as well as national anthem, disclosure of MUST currency and etc.

Wandale said this will all happen tomorrow, 12 October at 11 a.m at Khonjeni turnoff in the district.

In early September, Wandale also went online to reveal his 25 member cabinet ministers which he claimed they would be sworn in soon. Five of his ministers were women.

Wandale`s cabinet ministers

Wandale has brought so much controversies ever since he started claims that he is to be president of MUST republic which comprises of Mulanje and Thyolo districts.

He has received a lot of criticism of which many of many referred him as a mad person but he seems not to back down despite people` negativity on him.


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