A 33-year-old mother in police custody for killing her 11-month-old baby and her 12-year-old step daughter.

The suspect has been identified as Eliza Petulo who hails from Bwanausi village in the area of traditional authority Mlumbe in Zomba district.

The victims are 11-year-old Beatrice James and 11-months-old Ashraf James also from Bwanausi village in the area of Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba.

It is reported that the suspect had for so long been complaining that her husband was having an affair and that sometimes she could spend a night there.

Due to anger, the suspect opted to revenge her cheating husband and she chose to take two lives since she had no any other option to use as revenge.

It is said the woman killed her 9-month baby by dumping her in waters while her 12-year-old step-daughter was killed after the suspect strangled her neck to death and threw her in Likhubula river.

If it was not for the police`s effort to arrest her quick, she would have died in hands of the angry people who wanted to deal with her.

She is currently in custody and waiting to answer charges.

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