President Jacob Zuma has reshuffled his Cabinet yet again.

Former State Security Minister David Mahlobo has been given the Energy portfolio replacing Mmamaloko Kubayi, who’s been put in charge of Communications.

ANC MP Bongani Bongo has been promoted to replace Mahlobo as Minister of State Security.

There’s been speculation for some time that Zuma would act against Higher Education and Training Minister Blade Nzimande, who he has now sacked from his Cabinet.

Nzimande is replaced by Professor Hlengiwe Mkhize whose Home Affairs portfolio will be taken up by Ayanda Dlodlo.

Dlodlo’s Communications portfolio will be taken over by Mmamaloko Kubayi, with Mahlobo stepping in to take over from her at Energy.

Bongo, a Zuma loyalist, becomes State Security Minister, while Buti Manamela moves from the Presidency to become Deputy Minister of Higher Education and Training.

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