A medical doctor who works at Queen Elizabeth Hospital as surgeon , took it to his Facebook timeline in despair of being Malawian after mob justice in hunt of bloodsuckers landed on him last night.

According to post, Rodrick Vale Banda ( Facebook user name) was coming from hospital around 11 pm after performing an operation.
“After performing a successful operation last night , I was driving home at around 23:30, I met a group of young guys just after Kameza (Chileka road) who almost took my life. They had blocked the road with rocks and burning tyres allegedly hunting for blood suckers. In an attempt to turn back I fell into a drain , they had me surrounded carrying stones and some panga knives . I told them ,am a doctor not A BLOOD SUCKER and I was coming from the hospital . By God’s Grace they understood me ,helped me and took the only cash I had in my wallet . This happened right here in BT and not in Mulanje. This Nation is so sick,” reads his post
Other sources are showing that people in Chilemba, some part of Chileka were in tag of war with bloodsuckers last night.
The Road was closed at Chatha after people were suspecting a bloodsucker invaded in the area, and where one suspect is killed.
In Chilobwe in the same scenario, some residents in certain part were drumming their buckets after suspecting the bloodsuckers were inside.
Kachere area in district also witnessed same situation last night
The rumour of bloodsuckers started in Mulanje some weeks ago before it spreading to Phalombe, Chiradzulo, and other surrounding districts.