Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) church has distanced himself from the bloodsucking myth making rounds in the four districts in the southern part of Malawi.

Recently the country has been awashed with reports that some people are being sucked blood in Phalombe, Mulanje, Thyolo, Chiradzulu and Nsanje.

On Thursday last week the rumour hit Blantyre where two people including a mentally challenged man were burnt to death on suspicion that they were bloodsuckers.

But some online publications linked the issue to Prophet Bushiri to the myth.

Commenting on the issue, Prophet Bushiri’s communications director Ephraim Nyondo quashed the claims.

“Just look around. When there are accidents on our roads, all eyes are turned on Prophet Bushiri. When people drown in a boat, we say it is Bushiri. When famous people die in Malawi, Prophet Bushiri is blamed for their deaths. When some people are having marriage problems, Prophet Bushiri becomes the first to be blamed. What image are we, Malawians, trying to project out there of our man of God?” said Nyondo.

Nyondo added that it is suprising that some Malawians, today, are connecting the blood sucking activities to Prophet Bushiri when these stories have always been part of Malawi’s history.

Meanwhile President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Sartuday contradicted himself on the matter when he said there are no bloodsuckers in the country.

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