Main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has condemned the act of violence directed at people suspected of being bloodsuckers.

Chakwera’s condemnation comes barely two days after angry mob torched two people in the commercial capital Blantyre on suspicion that they were bloodsuckers. The two incidents happened at Chatha along Chileka road and Kachere market along Blantyre Zomba road.

The rumour of bloodsuckers started in Mulanje, Thyolo, Phalombe and Nsanje and so far 9 people have been killed by angry mob.

In a statement made available to faceofmalawi, Chakwera has expressed shock over the attack directed at people suspected to be bloodsuckers, saying the conduct is uncalled for.

“I have learned with shock, anger, and sadness that the acts of vigilantism and mob violence that started in the districts of Phalombe, Thyolo, Mulanje, and Chiradzulu a few weeks ago have recently and quickly spread to other districts like Blantyre, Zomba and Balaka where other innocent, Malawians have been killed by angry mobs in broad daylight and, in some case, right in front of a police station that was overwhelmed by the same.
“Though I have been hindered from lending my hands-on assistance to the authorities in addressing the latest manifestation of this unconscionable behavior, I have been briefed about the appropriate measures the Police have finally taken to expedite the arrest of those who have been presuming to take the law into their own hands on the back of unfounded and ill-conceived rumors about so-called bloodsuckers,” said Chakwera.

He added: “We cannot let a few superstitious communities and criminal mobs tear the fabric of our society apart or disturb the peace of our country. Though some will gripe that my input is at this point redundant and inconsequential, I nonetheless join all Malawians of goodwill in condemning these acts of violence and vigilantism in the strongest possible terms, and I repudiate the culture of spreading false rumors based on nothing more than the incoherent tales of a few superstitious individuals. I must therefore commend the brave men and women in our Police Service, under the command of Inspector General Lexten Kachama, and the Malawi Defence Force for working together to contain these lawless acts and restore law and order in all the affected areas so that the peace we pray for when we sing our national anthem every day is maintained.”

Chakwera has since asked President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to call for national prayers.

“I call upon the State President to organize a national solemn assembly for genuine contrition and repentance. This needs to come from him as a public gesture of his commitment to stop running this country on rumor-mongering, as demonstrated by recent attempts by some in his camp to blame opposition parties for instigating this crisis. His initiative in this regard would also give him an opportunity to address the underlying socio-economic frustrations that his government has left unaddressed since he took office, leaving our youth angry at his failures of leadership and at the mercy of hooligans and vandals,” said Chakwera.

Meanwhile Mutharika has ordered Malawi Defence Force soldiers to provide security in the affected districts.

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