Malawians have asked the Malawi Police Service (MPS) to arrest three women seen stripping a woman naked who is being accused of sleeping with the husband of the attackers.

Social media especially facebook and watsapp on Tuesday morning was awashed with a video clip showing three women molesting a harmless woman suspected of sleeping with one of the attackers’ husband in area 23 in the capital Lilongwe.

In the video clip, one of the women is seen hitting the suspect with a kitchen chair.

At some point, one of the women threw a flower pot on her and broke in pieces after it landed on her head.

The video has attracted anger among Malawaians on the social media with others calling for the police to act on the matter with urgency.

Dyson Likore wrote: “When I relate the area 25 incident and this one I fail to understand why women find joy in stripping naked their fellow woman who possess exactly the same anatomic genitals as theirs! why? if women continue to disrespect each other like this am afraid we may not succeed in fighting gender based violence as some retarded men will take advantage of such showing to think that women dont deserve respect and dignity.

“Iam still not convinced with the reaction of women in such instances when women gang up to attack a fellow woman like this!, YES am even not convinced with the reaction of women here on social media, I can bet, its mostly men who will comment and condemn this, does this imply that most women like such kind of treatment towards their fellows? Even the area 25 incident I was surprised to read very few comments from women, very few women condemning such unacceptable act.”

He added: “I have seen women having mercy and crying when they see a male thieve being beaten but in the area 25 clip and this one seems spectator women enjoyed watching such form of torment on a fellow woman. This is very very strange! may be there is a woman out there with a sober mind to help me understand this!. even if the thuggery women are locked up it won’t change anything if its the mentality of women to treat each other like that! stop that ladies! show love, protection and support towards each other! Its us men who are getting ashamed of this!”

Concurring with Likore’s remarks, Davie Ngwinja wrote: “Seriously this is too bad there are alot of Ways the owner of the husband could have done to punish the fellow lady not shaming her like that, this is becoming habitual in Malawi, let the police do their job those women should be arrested, aaaa ndipo they are not wife materials, Mesa umaliseche wakazi ndi Umodzi kungoziyalusapo basi aaaaa.”

On his part Dickson Simion Chawinga wrote: “That’s torturing. These women should be taken to court to answer torture charges and causing of harm. They can’t take law by themselves. Hule ndi mwamunawakeo. Stupid!!

Meanwhile right activists such as Billy Mayaya are yet to comment on the matter.

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