President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on Sunday lambasted self-proclaimed leader of People’s Land Organisation (PLO), Vincent Wandale for declaring Thyolo and Mulanje a standalone state, saying the move is nonsense.

Mutharika said this during a cultural festival of the Mulhako wa Alhomwe at Chonde in the area of Traditional Authority Mthiramanja in Mulanje.

“There is someone here in Thyolo who wants to form a government; he wants to divide the country. There is no other president in this country, I am the only President,” said Mutharika.

Mutharika warned Wandale that if he continues he will face the music.

“Do not push my patience. Before you push me too far, I will react. Stop this nonsense once and for all,” added Mutharika.

Turning to the persistent power outages rocking the country, President Mutharika said his government is doing everything possible to end the challenge.

“For the past 51 years we did not invest much in the energy sector in this country which is why we have these frequent blackouts but things will normalize soon,” he said.

Mutharika said at least 326 trading centres across the country would be connected under the Malawi Rural Electrification Program Phase 7 and 8 to electricity with over 146 centres in the Southern Region alone.

The president said the problem of blackout did not come with his government but because as population was growing the demand for the same also increases against the little power investment to cater for the increased population.

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