A video clip has emerged online in which three Malawi police officers are seen receiving money from a person and sharing it among themselves as a bribe.

As this is not surprising at all, Malawi police officers are known by their unprofessional behavior of accepting bribes thereby revealing a bad image to the communities.

Just by watching the video, it seems the guy giving cash to the officers was stopped at a police check up and his vehicle had lacked other papers certifying it to be on the road. Following that, the man took the officers at a hiding place where he dished out cash to them as a bribe.

The former Minister of home affairs and internal security Grace Chiumia had in August expressed worry over the conduct by some officers arguing that they are supposed to lead by example.

Speaking during the launch of Malawi Police, Defence and Security prayers in August at Police headquarters in Lilongwe, Grace Chiumia faulted Satan as the one who lure the officers in such activities. Did the same Satan intervened in the latest scandal??

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