A 47-year-old man has been sentenced to 5-years imprisonment with hard labor for killing an elephant.

Ntchisi police public relations officer, Sergent Gladson M`bumpha told the court that on September, 6 one person tipped wildlife officials that Medson Msongazaudzu had embarked on a mission to kill elephants in Nkhotakota Wildlife Reserve.

After the tip, police and wildlife officials investigated the issue and the convict was later on arrested.

Medson was placed under three charges, first one being found in possession of fire arm, entering into a protected area and also killing protected species.

After pleading guilty to all the charges rendered against him, Ntchisi First Grade Magistrate Dorothy Kalua slapped him with 5 years jail sentence with hard labour mentioning that offences committed were serious hence the convict deserved a stiff punishment.

The convict hails Mtawayira village, T/A Nthondo in the same didctrict.


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