As power outages in the country have reached a waste stage with most of the businesses crumbling down, Civil Society Organisations will tomorrow hold demonstrations against the state owned Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) over its to supply power.

One of the organizers who is also human right activist Billy Mayaya confirmed of the development in an interview with press.

According to Mayaya, the demonstrations will start from Area 18 round about and all participants should arrive at the venue at 8am.

“Permission granted. Tiyeni tibwele tonse mawa tidzawonetse mkwiyo wanthu. Dress code: Black or Red. Please share with friends and groups,” wrote Mayaya on his official facebook page.

Power cuts in the country have now reached annoying state and its miracle to have power for close to eight hours but maximum is four hours.

The development has attracted anger among Malawians with others describing President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika as failure.

The latest to comment on the persistent power outages in the country being former Malawi’s Ambassador to Japan Dr. John James Chikago.

In his comment Chikago expressed concern on how the DPP administration is handling the electricity issue.

“Having experienced the worst power blackouts since I started using electricity in my life, thought of sharing the things I do not understand. Although Kamuzu was a dictator, we never slept without electricity and lost from the Refrigerators.

“Welders never failed to do their jobs. Similarly, women never failed to take their maize to the grinding mills. Today everything has changed. Nothing seems to work and the whole country is being held at ransom by a clique of greedy ethnic separatists,” wrote Chikago.

He added: My question is how can we expect national economic development resulting in the growth of our GDP to above 2%? The Hon Minister of Finance is quiet and yet he is the one who told us so.

Meanwhile there are reports that Prophet Shepherd Bushiri of Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church offered to help on the matter but some top officials blocked him from doing so.

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