Yesterday we published a story concerning the controversial South African pastor Mboro whose Sunday coverage was stopped by Soweto TV saying it contained pornographic material.

It is alleged that Mboro was trying to perform miracles on a couple that had a problem of not “starting up” in bedroom.

Soweto TV crew which was covering the service had to cut it when pastor Mboro instructed the couple to touch each other’s private part before he started praying for them.

However, pastor Mboro says he is planning to march to the Soweto TV to demand that his video must be broadcasted to prove to masses of people that his miracle really happened.

The couple has also accepted that their 18+ video be aired on TV to prove that pastor Mboro prayed for them and that they are able to engage in sexual intercourse just like any human being.

“For the last three months, my pen*s had a problem to erect but now prophet Mboro has prayed for me and I am happy that I can perform as before,” said the man, Joseph.

He continued to say, “I don’t see why the show shouldn’t be televised as it may help other people to speak out about their problems in love.”

Joseph also said that his wife Thabisile Dube was in full agreement that the video should be televised.

Meanwhile, Mboro told local media that he and some people will march to the TV station later this month if they don`t air the video.

“They should have shown the prayers and testimony. We didn’t have any explicit content because we stopped filming and gave the couple privacy,”said Mboro.

Below is the censored video



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