Contradicting the medical report presented at Lilongwe magistrate court which stated that Vincent Wandale is mentally ill, his mother Tumbizodwa Wandale has said the self-proclaimed leader of People`s Land Organization (PLO) is okay and that he has never had a mental problem.


Tumbizodwa Wandale has dismissed reports that her son should go to Zomba mental hospital for treatment citing that Wandale is not mad and none of their family members has ever had that record before.

“If my son was mad, he would not have been taking care of me, said the mother.

Previously, a relative from Wandale`s family was reportedly to have testified that there is a mental illness history in their family.

However, Wandale`s mother also refuted the claims through random interviews she had with local medias.

Vincent Wandale was arrested last month on charges of spreading false rumors after he was pushing to secede Thyolo and Mulanje districts from Malawi to form own country called United States of Mulanje and Thyolo.

Meanwhile, the court is expected to make it ruling this coming Thursday.



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