Reports from Zimbabwe indicate that Zimbabwean soldiers led by General Constantino Chiwenga have taken over the state owned broadcaster ZBC amid political crisis.

Constantino Chiwenga

It has also been reported that massive explosions were heard yesternight in the capital, Harare.

Soldiers take positions on the outskirts of Harare

The development comes as Mugabe`s ZANU-PF accused the General of “treason conduct” after he threatened of a possible coup.

The tensions grew up last week when Mugabe sacked his vice, Emmerson mnangagwa – a development that did not please many including General Chawenga who thought Mugabe did all this to pave way for his wife Grace Mugabe to succeed him.

the recent fired Zimbabwe`s vice President is reportedly back to Zim

Further reports coming from that side indicate that the sacked vice Emmerson mnangagwa who fled to South Africa is back to Zimbabwe.

Could he be the next president of Zimbabwe?

This publication will update you with more reports to follow

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