A 43-year-old man in Ntchisi has been fined a total cash of K1.5 million in default to serve a jail sentence of 5 years for setting ablaze another man`s maize mill.

The convict has been identified as Nelson Harold Kachipala who hails from Kongola village in the area of Traditional Authority Kalumo in the same district.

According to Ntchisi police publicist Gladson M`bumpha, the incident happened on 21st October.

M`bumpha said two of the convict`s children had a disagreement with the owner of the Maize mill identified as Stanley Mtumbati which in response their father went to set Mtumbati`s maize mill on fire.

Appearing in court, the First Grade Magistrate, Yohane Nkhata stated that the convict deserved a stiff punishment as the property burnt was too costly and that was the only source of income to the victimized family.

He then ruled that the convict must pay K1.5 million or serve a 5-year jail term.

The maize mill was valued at K1.1 million.

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