Everyone knows how popular dating websites are today. It’s much easier to get acquainted with someone online than on the street, but there’s also a place for stupid mistakes that significantly reduce your chances of finding a pretty girlfriend.

So, why don’t dating sites work for most guys? J4L.com suggests the answer!
1) Poor photo selection
No matter where you meet, in a cafe or online, the first impression always plays a decisive role. It gives you a kind of credit of trust, on which your further communication depends. On dating sites, the first impression depends on the photo you post in your profile. That’s why before uploading your pics, you should think about what impression you want to make.
If you want to show yourself as a successful man, post a photo in a business suit and not inswimming trunks and a surfboard in your hands. Don’t upload pictures that don’t show your face. Usually, such users are treated with suspicion. If a person doesn’t want to show his face, he probably has something to hide.
Studio photos are also not the best option. A person often looks different on professional photos than in real life. And if you develop a false image of yourself, you risk disappointing your potential date.
2) Empty profile
Here’s another reason whydating sites don’t work for some guys. Who would you write: a girl with an empty profile or someone who watches the same TV shows as you? People are more interested in communicating with those who have similar interests. So increase your chances of success and fill your profile. Mention your favorite music, movies, interests, and hobbies. But don’t write too much about yourself. Leave a place for intrigue
3) Banal messages
“Hi! How are you?” “Hi there, beauty! Wanna chat?” All girls on dating sites receive dozens of such messages each day. They’ll never answer to them.
It’s not difficult to stand out from other guys. Many people are looking for partners with similar tastes and interests. To do this, they fill out their profiles. So just read it! So you can understand if a person fits you.
Don’t abuse smilies and punctuation marks. Some girls are annoyed by messages with an abundance of smiles and exclamation marks. Only unbalanced and nervous men prefer this manner of chatting, but you also risk coming across as an insecure guy who tries to give his message a convincing tone.
4) Disinformation
That’s whydating sites don’t work for men. Many users often lie about themselves in their profiles, trying to appear younger and more attractive than they really are. Users post photos that are 5-10 years old and wonder why girls dump them as soon as they see them. If you want to bring your online dating experience into the real world, don’t lie about yourself. Lies will still be revealed, but the first impression will be spoiled forever.
5) Obsession
Don’t confuse perseverance with obsession. If the girl ignores your messages, you’re not interesting enough to her. After all, you can’t make all people love you. So just humble yourself and keep looking. For some men,dating sites don’t work because they simply can’t leave their companions alone and get banned.
6) Too many questions
Finding out more about your companion is normal. But it’s important to know when to stop. If your conversation looks more like an interrogation, this is a sure sign that you need to change something.
To keep the conversation going, it’s better to read your companion’s profile and make up a list of topics she may like to discuss with you. For example, you can ask herabout a new movie or some event. Talk about hobbies, pets, activities, feelings, whatever. Just don’t make it seem like a job interview.