By Orchestra Kamanga

The director of Elections and Media Services for Umodzi Party Innocent Mphaya said the Heroes Acre is beneficial to all Malawians because it can unite people despite religion, culture and tribe.

He said Heroes Acre is very important to all Malawians but need to sit down and discuss it fully with other stakeholders in the country and tackle the issue thoroughly as a nation.

“Establishing the Heroes Acre is very important to the country because that can unite of us,” said Mphaya who joined Umodzi Party from UDF.

The former UDF parliamentarian for Machinga South East in Bakili Mulizi’s Administration said because the vision of Umodzi Party President professor Chisi to unite all Malawians has convinced him to join the party and will contest in 2019 elections.

He said Umodzi Party aimed at uniting all Malawians without nepotism, regionalism, tribalism and citing example of 1994 elections where Northerners voted for late Chakufwa Chihana,(AFORD) Central voted for Dr Hastings Kamuzu Banda (MCP) while South voted for Bakili Muluzi (UDF)

This comes after Chakufwa Chihana buried in in Northen region Kamuzu in Central region (Mausoleum) Bing in South.

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