Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu-PF will donate party regalia and posters with the image of former president Robert Mugabe and his wife Grace to orphanages, a report says.

According to Daily News, Zanu-PF had ordered at least 12 000 paraphernalia that raged from T-shirts, mugs and hats for over 12 000 delegates that were set to attend Zanu-PF extra-ordinary conference in December.

The regalia and posters were worth thousands of dollars, the report said.

The other regalia which had since been rendered useless was expected to be used for the thousands who were going to attend the presidential youth interface rally in Harare on November 18 and the Harare province presidential youth interface rally whose date was yet to be set.

An unnamed source in the Zanu-PF procurement department said that the party was still going to honour its contract with the suppliers although the regalia were now going to be donated to charity.

This came after Zimbabweans witnessed the inauguration of their new president Emmerson Mnangagwa last week Friday after Mugabe’s 37 years in power.

The 75-year-old’s first speech as leader reached out to the nation at large, pledging “democratic” elections next year.

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