Communities around Lupaso area in Mzuzu City Monday morning woke up to a rude awakening when a Seventh Day Adventist Church in the area was set ablaze by unknown people.

According to Mzuzu Police Public Relations Officer Martin Bwanali, it was one Austin Nkhoma whose house is close to the Church who noticed the fire at around 4:00 am and alerted other community members.

“The community members mobilised one another and put off the fire before alerting Luwinga Police Station,” Bwanali said.

He said Police are hunting for suspects and appealed to the public to help them with information that can lead to arrest of the culprits.

“Property valued at K395, 000 was lost in the fire and we are doing everything possible to uncover what led to the suspected arson,” he said.

Pastor for the congregation, who only identified himself as Phiri, declined to comment on the development and referred Malawi News Agency (Mana) to his Communications Officer who was not readily available.

Once caught, the suspects will answer the charge of arson, contrary to section 337 of the Penal Code.

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