Self-styled supreme leader, founder and trustee of People’s Land Organisation (PLO), Vincent Wandale has endorsed Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera as the right candidate for the people of Thyolo and Mulanje come 2019.

Wandale, currently at Zomba Mental Hospital made the endorsement through his official facebook page.

“Given that Malawi becomes a federal state, I would encourage all people of thyolo and mulanje to vote for Dr Lazarus Chakwera as head of state of the federation for his transformational leadership,” wrote Wandale.

Wandale was arrested two months ago for allegedly declaring the two districts in the Southern part of Malawi namely; Mulanje and Thyolo as standalone state.

Following the arrest the court in Lilongwe ordered Wandale to undergo a mental examination to establish whether he is stable or not and the results revealed that Wandale is mentally challenged and he was sent to Zomba Mental Hospital.

Wandale rubbished the results.

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